Auf Google Maps ist unser Zentrum sehr gut zu sehen.
Our center is very well visible on Google Maps.
A short overview:
+ Our Center is solar powered - the next electric plug is 17km away.
+ We sent 4 - 20' Shipping Containers in the last 10 years.
+ We made all the bricks for our 8 buildings handmade on campus.
+ We planted over 800 Acacias and 200 fruit trees
+ We educate over 500 children from grade 1-12
+ We offer football Training form U12 - U18
and more….
BEVOR - the kids where observing
NOW - due to Tala Mosika they are participating.
VORHER - haben die Kinder nur beobachtet.
JETZT - Tala Mosika hat ihnen die Chance gegeben mitzumachen.
10 years "Center Tala Mosika"
and 12 years of collaboration with my our local project manager Christoph Mbedi - thank you for a job so well done!!
10 Jahre "Zentrum Tala Mosika
12 Jahre Zusammenarbeit mit unserem lokalen Projektleiter Christoph Mbedi - Danke für deinen tollen Einsatz
As evident by the bottle Appenzeller - which is a fantastic schnapps with 42 herbs from the region in Switzerland I grew up - you can see that he is working with me for a while :-) I am not travelling anywhere without a Schluck in my luggage, its simply the best medicine.
Schon wegen dem Appenzeller Schnaps (42 Kräuter), der auf dem Tisch steht, sieht man, dass Christoph schon lange mit mir Zusammenarbeitet :-) Ich reise nirgends wohin ohne ein Schluck im Gepäck - die Beste Medizin .
Preparing for the event
In the meantime I became a master in baking bread & cake on the fire.
Vorbereitungen für unser Fest
In der Zwischenzeit wurde ich zur Expertin, wenn es darum geht Brot & Kuchen auf dem Feuer zu backen.
Over 500 students from 1. - 12.grade.
Next summer our 12th graders take the state exam for the 4th time and finish high school. Primary school from 7.30am - 12:30pm and Secondary school from 12:30 - 5:30pm
Wir haben über 500 Schüler von der 1.-12.Klasse.
Im nächsten Sommer haben wir zum 4. Mal eine 12.Klasse die am Staatsexamen mit der Matura/Abitur abschliesst.
Primarschule vom 7:30-12:30Uhr und die Sekundarstufe von 12:30-17:30Uhr.
We received again white blouses and shirts from the International School St.Georges at the lake Geneva - thank you!
Wir haben wieder weisse Bussen und Hemden von der Internationalen Schule St.Georges bekommen - Dankeschön!
Football School "Tala Mosika"
Training & workshops to topics like fairplay, respect, hygiene, health.
Fussballschule "Tala Mosika"
Training & Workshops zu Themen wie Fairplay, Respekt, Hygiene und Gesundheit.
Why is Moringa a Wonder Tree?
The pharmacy in the garden
Wieso ist der Moringa Baum ein Wunder?
Die Apotheke im Garten
Ministry of Gender & Family in Kinshasa
Where women are honoured for their efforts in Congo
Ministerium für Gleichstellung & Familie in Kinshasa
Wo Frauen die sich im Kongo engagieren, geehrt werden
PEP: Purpose - Energy - Patience
1. Purpose (Zweck) - verstehen, warum wir tun, was wir tun und wie wir es tun. / understand why we do what we do, and how we do it.
2. Energy – Motivation ist die Voraussetzung um die nötige Energie aufzubringen. Lernen was es für eine Veränderung braucht und wie sie mit Eigeninitiative erreicht werden kann damit sie an ihrer eigenen Entwicklung erfolgreich mitwirken können. / Motivation is the prerequisite for mobilizing the necessary energy. Learn what it takes to change and how to do it by taking initiative so that you can successfully participate in your own development.
3. Patience (Geduld) - Veränderung geschieht nicht über Nacht. Entwicklung braucht mehr Zeit und Geduld, als wie es sich die Industrielle Welt oft vorstellt. Zusammen mit dem notwendigen Werkzeug können wir kleine Schritte machen. Somit ermöglichen wir den Einheimischen Erfolgsmomente welche die Motivation wachsen lässt wie sie für sich und ihre Familien eine bessere Zukunft schaffen können. / Change does not happen overnight. Development takes more time and patience than the industrial world often imagines. With the right tools, we can take small steps. This way, we allow residents to experience moments of success that will increase their motivation to create a better future for themselves and their families.
We had 2 major set-backs, which made it very difficult for us to cover all the cost to function properly and to become autonom.
1. Our primary & secondary school are state approved which means the government should pay our teachers, and all kids can get an education for Free. We are happy that our primary school if fully functioning but we still wait for our teachers in Secondary school to be paid - this is a huge burden for us and we keep on fighting that this will happen soon.
2. We have 60% of the financing and a Solar water pump for our new well, which we need urgently, Until this day we are still on the waiting list of the government to cover the 40% by actually building the well. We collect raining water and received from our partner a purification machine but on the longterm and outside the raining season it is not enough with so many kids on campus, boarding school and staff.
Functioning of the school: Due to the fact, that the government still does not pay our teachers in Secondary school we have a payroll of $ 130.-/day to function properly, so that all the kids get the right of a free education - which is a basic human right. That means to pay our staff who work in: projects, health center, boarding school and secondary school teachers.
Collecting Rainwater: We need to install on all our buildings a gutter so that we can drain and collect the rainwater in a cistern.
Food on campus to become self-sufficient: We need to improve the quality of food for the residents atTala Mosika by planting more fruit trees - due to drought or fire not all of them survive. planting more vegetables and breed chicken, rabbits and pigs which will also be a
an activity with generates income. (If you are interested we can send you the project description)
Car - We need another 4x4 - the cost would be around $ 15'000
Maintenance & diverse costs- we try to maintain the buildings as good as possible. For example after my departure they painted all the blackboards. We need also to paint some of the buildings, and we need to protect the center from land slides, by building some walls. We would like to light up the outside of the buildings with solar street lamps.
We are in partnership with the ministry of rural development and in discussion with other local NGO's, but until contracts are not signed you never know on what support you can count and in the meantime life at our Center moves on.
So thank you very much, if you support our center "each cent counts" - If you wish more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact me (here) More about 10 years River of Hope, you can read here.
Account Details in Switzerland: Raiffeisen Bank, Werdenberg
"River of Hope" Claudia Doron
Bank Nr. 81251 - Swift: RAIFCH22
IBAN: CH68 8125 1000 0046 9403 4
Konto: 90-862-2