Wir brauchen sauberes Wasser / We need water for:
- für unsere über 350 Schüler / over 350 students
- für unsere Küche / our kitchen
- für unsere Krankenstation / our health center
- für unser Personal / for our staff
- für unsere Agrikultur / for our agriculture
Wir haben das Grundrecht für sauberes Trinkwasser!
We have the basic right for clean drinking water!
Die regionale Gesundheitsbehörde kam im Dezember 2020 vorbei, um die Quelle zu untersuchen und die Kinder medizinisch zu versorgen.
Solar- Powered Water Well
- We need water for our over 330 School children.
- We need to provide families with water so they don't go the contaminated source.
- We need water for our agriculture - we need to feed staff members and children.
- We need water for our health center.
- We need water and the football program, staff member who live on campus, public toilets, etc... For this Water project we also create a separate Website so that you can follow the
project step by step, like we did for our Solar System. (Solar Project successfully completed in October 2020 https://solar-und-bildung-talamosika.jimdofree.com.